
去年我和JACKY加入了健身房,加入一個月後,健身房的員工就打電話說信用卡資料有錯誤,跟我說有健身房時順便去更正一下資料。所以去運動時就順便跟他們重新對了一下信用卡的資料,想說這樣應該就沒問題了。沒想到幾個月之後,JACKY突然發現健身房只有在第一、二個月時來扣款而己。想也知道,我和JACKY這種貿小便宜的當然是就給它裝聾作啞啦!我也打算等一年後就要換到別家健身房了。我自己大約知道,最近這一兩個月會員就要到期了,所以我今天就打電話去問一下正確的日子。結果!!!對方竟然跟我說到期日是2010年的三月份!什麼!明明是只簽一年的會員,應該是這一兩個月就要到期了呀。怎麼會是明年三月份呢。更何況,我只有當初付二個月而以!真是亂七八糟!各位看倌呀!再次體會到這裡的人的辦事能力了吧!這麼久竟然都沒發現,要是在台灣,這樣的事情發生,我想處理的員工應該要被砍頭了吧!所以!現在我該怎麼辦呢? 繼續裝聾作啞的去健身房嗎? 該怎麼辦???覺得很罪惡可是卻又不想付錢!



I joined gym one year ago and paid membership fee monthly. A couple months later, they told me that there was something wrong with my payment. They needed my visa information again. I gave them all the information they needed to make sure next payment would be correct. I thought everything was settled. Several months later, we found that they stopped collecting payment from our credit card. Jacky and I are thrifty, so we didn’t inform them. Time goes by… I called them today to check when my membership will be expired because I would like to join another gym. They told me that “Your membership will be expired in MARCH 18 2010” OH!! My god!! I didn’t pay a penny, and I can use gym until 20l0 … Holy Cow …. I don’t want to stay in that gym, and I don’t want to take of their advantage either. Don’t mention I don’t want to pay the fee of last year. What should I do now?

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