唉!一直以為自己佔到便宜,免費的使用了一年的健身房,今天為了找一張收據去年所有的信用卡帳單全部檢查了一篇,赫然發現原來健身房每個月都分成二 筆的在扣款,再加上健身房的名字和我固定去買菜的超市的名字前二個字是一樣的,以致於我從來都沒有發現原本每個月都有正常的扣款!害我一方面沾沾自喜,一 方面又有罪惡感。話說前幾天,我打電話去問會員何時到期時,對方告訴我是2010年才到期,這表示,健身房弄錯了!我只簽一年,到期日應該是這一、兩個 月。唉,明天要去一趟健身房和他們"討論"了!


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去年我和JACKY加入了健身房,加入一個月後,健身房的員工就打電話說信用卡資料有錯誤,跟我說有健身房時順便去更正一下資料。所以去運動時就順便跟他們重新對了一下信用卡的資料,想說這樣應該就沒問題了。沒想到幾個月之後,JACKY突然發現健身房只有在第一、二個月時來扣款而己。想也知道,我和JACKY這種貿小便宜的當然是就給它裝聾作啞啦!我也打算等一年後就要換到別家健身房了。我自己大約知道,最近這一兩個月會員就要到期了,所以我今天就打電話去問一下正確的日子。結果!!!對方竟然跟我說到期日是2010年的三月份!什麼!明明是只簽一年的會員,應該是這一兩個月就要到期了呀。怎麼會是明年三月份呢。更何況,我只有當初付二個月而以!真是亂七八糟!各位看倌呀!再次體會到這裡的人的辦事能力了吧!這麼久竟然都沒發現,要是在台灣,這樣的事情發生,我想處理的員工應該要被砍頭了吧!所以!現在我該怎麼辦呢? 繼續裝聾作啞的去健身房嗎? 該怎麼辦???覺得很罪惡可是卻又不想付錢!



I joined gym one year ago and paid membership fee monthly. A couple months later, they told me that there was something wrong with my payment. They needed my visa information again. I gave them all the information they needed to make sure next payment would be correct. I thought everything was settled. Several months later, we found that they stopped collecting payment from our credit card. Jacky and I are thrifty, so we didn’t inform them. Time goes by… I called them today to check when my membership will be expired because I would like to join another gym. They told me that “Your membership will be expired in MARCH 18 2010” OH!! My god!! I didn’t pay a penny, and I can use gym until 20l0 … Holy Cow …. I don’t want to stay in that gym, and I don’t want to take of their advantage either. Don’t mention I don’t want to pay the fee of last year. What should I do now?

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今天早上去MISA考試時,他們竟然說我沒有預約而不讓我考試,真是莫明奇妙,早在回台灣之前,就把所有該預約才能作的事全都搞好了才離開的,竟然跟我說我沒預約,一群加拿大豬。我為了這個考試而提早從台灣回來,要不然可以再多待一個月的。MISA 竟然還叫我重新約一次,二個星期後再回來考。下個星期五,要申請的課程就到期了,這星期是非考不可。MISA 堅持不讓我考時,還說有可能是因為我的英文不好,所以當初打電話預約時誤解了他們的意思!真是氣人,英文再怎樣不好,我也靠英文吃飯了四年,這麼簡單的對話,怎麼可能難倒我哩(驕傲狀)。於是我竟然在那裡給它哭了起來。哈哈哈,是的,前兩天堂堂邁入32歲的我竟然因為這樣而哭了。現在想起來真是有夠爆笑的啦!不過,這一哭也哭出效果來了,他們重新查了一次紀錄而發現其實我是有預約的。所以主管就出來道歉了也答應讓我當天考試,那時所有的人早就已經在教室裡考試了!所以那主管就把我單獨放在另一個教室,還說…..因為他們的過失,原本兩個小時的考試,不管我要寫多久都沒有問題…….各位看倌呀,您說這加拿大人是怎樣做事的………. 唉!放我一個人在那裡,不就是擺明告訴我可以作弊嗎?但我是誠實的小嫻,所以誠實的考試!考完後,原本是要下星期才能拿到成績的。但是,他們覺得是他們自己的過失,所以立刻改我的考卷!幸好!我有帶著去文昌君那裡過香爐的鉛筆去考試!也就是說,我通過學校要求的成績了。學校要求的所有成績及文件都備好了,申請通不通過就看老天了!


All my friends properly knew that I come back to Canada early for an English assessment which will decide if I can apply for a school. How stupid I am. After living here for four years, how could I still believe in Canadian’s abilities? I asked the test centre if I needed to phone them to make sure the appointment was setup before I went back to Taipei. They told me I didn’t need to. This morning, I arrived at the centre, their front deck staff told me he couldn’t find my name in the list. I knew they screwed my appointment up right away. An assistant come out and told me I didn’t make any appointment. She also blamed me I didn’t show up for last appointment. We started to argue. I told them that it might have misunderstandings here, but the most important thing is I’m already in here, why not let me have an exam today. She told me I have to book the appointment two weeks in advance. I looked at her and told her I flew back from Taiwan for today’s exam. Now, you tell me I couldn’t take the exam. If I don’t take exam today, it will be too late for applying school. Until then, they still insisted I couldn’t take exam. I looked at them then burst out tears. Yes, I am 32 years old and I cried as a baby in front of stranger. She told me to stay there and she would check if there any thing she could do for me. After ten minutes, she showed up again. She apologized to me. She did screw my appointment. Therefore, I could take the exam today and she wouldn’t limit time on my exam. I could just take time to finish my exam. I was like ….woow…. what the hell is that. And I got my test result right away. Normally, it will take several days to get back the test result, but …. they made mistake so I got it immediately Should I say I love Canadian or stupid Canadian, I guess it is both of them. Oh … almost forget to mention my test result.. YES, I PASS IT!

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Tomorrow, I have to take an English exam which will decide what I’m going to do in the future. I didn’t plan the whole test thing earlier so everything kind screws up a bit now. Oh, well …maybe not just “a bit”. If I couldn’t pass exam tomorrow, I couldn’t apply for a school this year. To be honest, I don’t think that I can pass it. The school I am going to apply for requests level 8 at least. When I took the exam two years ago, I didn’t know the result would affect me, so I didn’t take the test seriously at all. I only had level 7 in reading and writing which was really surprise me because I didn’t think my reading and writing skills could reach that level. My speaking and listing shocked me cause I only had level 5. I ‘m not sure that if my English has improved enough to reach level 8. Especially, I just came back from Taiwan, I feel that I lose my English ability. I couldn’t think or write in English way. I’ve better get off line and cram for my test tomorrow.

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I brought Big Head to vet today cause I found Big head and MiMi have a lot of flakes on their fur. I was worried about it would be contagious. The vet said the flakes were caused by dry skin. It is just like human being. Dry air causes skin dry and their skin start peeling off. Therefore the vet gave me some medicine to put on their skin. When I put it on mimi, everything was fine. Once I put it on big head, he started to lick the spot that I put medicine on. I was worry that he licked the medicine into his stomach would make him poison. So I took a cardboard and made a hole in the middle then put it on big head. Just look at the picture, it was so funny.


After visiting vet, I went to talk to peter if I could still work there as he promised me before I left for Taiwan. Just like he promised I got my job back. Even through I really hate working there, he can give me flexible hours and I can have some allowance before I have a full time job or go back school.


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I’ve been back and sick for four days. Fever, stuffy and running nose, and cough hit me badly. There is an exam waiting for me on this Friday. I was planning to studying  English and on a diet with friend. But I couldn’t do anything so far. Feel so frustrating

 Today is also my birthday. Official, I am 32 years old today. WHAT A NICE BIRTHDAY. I don't need a party. but I odn't want to be sick and stay home all day.. I asked jacky to bring me some pills home then he bourht me a wrong one. I cried like a baby... ha ha

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Today is the second day that I come back to Halifax. Since I come back, I’ve felt so depression and sick. Nothing had gone smoothly, since the moment I woke up. First, the bus I supposed to take was broken. So I had to take a taxi to airport. In stead of spending NT 135 on the bus fare, I spend NT1000 on it.


When I arrived at the Honk Kong airport, the ground staff told me I had to wait for 10 hours due to technical problems. I had no option but waiting. When I got to Toronto, I missed my connection flight. Air Canada offered me a free hotel to stay. The connecting flight was next morning, so this flight took me almost 39 hours. My “best” flight ever.


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